
Post Jobs Free

Did a simple Google search for Post Jobs Free, free job posting portals, job posting sites or free job boards lead you to Classifieds Personals

Fantastic - You've just found a great place to post a job for free online, here at Classifieds Personals this is one of the best places to post a job.

Employers often want to recruit the best person for the job, and finding one nearby can be an issue. Even though newspaper ads are still a thing, free job boards and free job advertising sites have become the dominant force.


At Classifieds Personals you can 

  • Post free job ads

  • Have them displayed on the site

  • Have them floating across the web found in google search

  • Have Interested employees contact you and submit their details




Now, the question is why should you post free job ads on Classifieds Personals? 

The answers are simple and here's why

Free – Yes, It Is

The reason why it is the best free job posting sites for employers is that it is FREE. You don't have to pay any registration fee, startup cost, posting cost, or even any sort of hidden cost while posting an ad. Unlike other websites, there are no hidden costs, and it tops the list of free job sites. This is why it is the best place to post jobs for free.

Audience – Whoever You Want

Unlike other free job sites, you can choose your audience if you post an ad on Classifieds Personals. If you want the ad to reach a local audience, select that. If you want the ad to reach a worldwide audience, choose that.

Post As Much As You Want – Unlimited Ad Posting and Editing

There is no limit on how many ads you post. You can post unlimited ads. In case you need to edit something, you can edit it too. The best thing is that unlimited edits are available for free.

Quick Posing - Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Are you thinking, "how can I post job free ads on the website? Is it for me?" Be assured that it is for everyone. It hardly takes 5 minutes to post an ad. You don't even need to make a profile (it is optional). All you need to do is log in, fill a form and post your ad.

The Ads Stays For As Long As You Want

There is no time duration for the ad. If you want to post part times jobs or post a job for free online, you can do it here. There are other ways to do so, but your ad can run for as long as you want on this website. It can be 1 month to 12 months. Yes, more chances to get the best candidate for your post job free ad, right?

Chat – Talk It Out       

The best thing is that the chat features allow people interested in your job to talk directly to you. You can also give your phone number if you want to speak to them directly.

Let Users Follow You

A good thing about the website is that it allows the users to follow you. If you make a profile, interested people can turn on notifications for you, and they will know when you post a new ad.




Classifieds Personals is a Free Job Advertising Site 

As far as Classifieds Personals is concerned, it is one of the best free job posting sites. You can post job vacancies for free, post job adverts for free, post free job ads, and much more. It is one of the best free job posting websites or free job site you will come across in Australia.