
Sell My Truck

Are you asking? Sell my truck online free”? Rest assured if you to sell your truck on the Classified Personals website you’ll be using a valuable online selling resource. 

Our goal here is to help you sell your truck while charging you nothing for listing your truck ads via the website. Truck ads can be posted in under 2 minutes. Amazing right? Dont believe us check it out here below…

Sell your truck online free at the best price ever. 100% FREE.

You’ve no more excuse to sell that new or old truck that you don’t need anymore. Our ad listing is free so get posting now..!

Let’s help you sell your unwanted trucks.

Are you Sydney truck owners or you Melbourne truck dealers hear this? At Classified Personals the truck listing process is free, user-friendly and hassle-free. We allow you to edit your trailer ads as many times as you want without charging you a dime. Ready to sell used trucks? Click on the “Post Free Ad” button above and get the best sale for your truck.

Sell my truck near me

It’s not uncommon for sellers like you to look for good buyers living close by. The good news is buyers who visit Classifieds Personals every day are scattered across many places in Australia, such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, and Canberra. With our state and region features, buyers can target trucks for sale based on their locations and your location. Take advantage of our top features now and enjoy a hassle-free selling process at Classified Personals. 


The Advertising Benefits With Classifieds Personals

  • Free ad listing

Whether you want to promote your truck ads multiple times or use our editing features, we charge you zero fees.

  • No deletion of ads

We allow your truck ads to continue to run our platform for up to 12 months.

  • Fast and easy ad creation process

It takes 2 minutes to open an account and sell used truck on our platform. 

  • More local reach

At Classified Personals, our website is SEO-optimized so that you can reach thousands of buyers living in Australian cities such as Perth, Adelaide, New Castle, Gold Coast, Darwin, Kiama, and Nora.

  • Website Chat and call features

We allow you to connect with your buyers in many ways. Whether you want your buyers to call you or chat with you, it’s up to you to decide. 
